Wednesday, September 16, 2015


So I think I went a little to hard to fast on working out.  I think it has been 6 or so months since I worked out.  I was trying to work out daily and if I could twice a day.  That was to much to fast, yes I can do it, yes I will get there, actually I will get back to 3 times a day, but I think it was to much to fast.  So this week I am toning it down to once every other day.  And next week I will start workout 2 days, then a day off, then 2 days.  Then the 3rd week every day, then the 4th week try to do workout 2 times once or twice that week.  Easy back into it.

What is my end goal?  By the end of this year I want to be under 150 lbs, I only stand 5'8" so that is a health good weight, that is an achievable weight.  I often get down to 150 lbs and then stop working out till I slowly gain weight, then I workout again and get back down to it.  I have accepted that I just need to not stop working out, I need to tone it down when I get down in weight, but I need to not stop and go crazy eating :(  It is life and if I want a nice feminine figure I need to work out.  Last time I got down to 150 lbs my waist was measuring around 27" give or take.  I was wearing a size small/6 skirt (and size small/4 I could almost wear).  I know I can get there.  I also know it will not take till the end of the year to get there.  I have 3.5 months till the year is over, I know it only takes me 2 months or so to get back down to 150 lbs.  The hard part is getting lower.  I need to get lower, but that will be another goal for next year.  To be honest I do not care what the end weight is as long as I do not have waist fat (no love handles) and my inner thighs do not touch each other when I stand up straight.  I would like to be as thin as I can, but really the end number does not matter if I have the figure.  I am taller than the average woman, I know I am wider shouldered then the average woman, I probably have larger bones then the average woman.  This will all effect my end weight.  I just want to have a womanly figure.  So I guess having a goal of 150 lbs by the end of the year is good, cause that means I need to lose it and keep it off, meaning I need to keep watching what I eat and working out.  And maybe just doing that will help me slowly get even lower before the year is over.


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